Big Update in November
Dismantle Fishing Rod, Fuse Into a Fishing Box, Fish Eggs For FvF
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Dismantle Fishing Rod, Fuse Into a Fishing Box, Fish Eggs For FvF
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You are able to demolish the inferior fishing rods that you no longer wish to own. After dismantling, you'll acquire a number of fishing rod shards, depending on the quality of the fishing rod.
You cannot dismantle fishing rods with 4 stars and above
Fishing rod needs to be full durability to be demolished
A fishing box requires two shards of the same class to fuse together.
In order to prepare for the upcoming Fish versus Fish (FvF) mode, you'll need fishes which may be obtained in one of two ways:
$FISH in your wallet or in-game reward can be used to purchase fish eggs.
After purchasing, you will receive one of these 4 kinds of fish:
You may see your fishes in your Fish collection
Fishermen have a slight chance of catching a fish with a random rarity when they go fishing.
Click on button "Create Challenge"
Input the amount of $FISH you are willing to win/lose
After successfully created a challenge, you will see your battle on the arena
Choose any of opponents in the arena that you would like to fight
Select your fish to fight with rival's fish
Let's try another fight
Finally, you won!
You may claim your reward in History board
Max. Energy of Fish
12 Energy
Energy Consumption
3 Energy / 1 Concluded Battle
Energy Recovery
1 Energy / 1 Hour
Fees Per Battle
5% Fees per battle will be burnt
Win/ Lose Percentage
Battle Rule
You can only challange rival's fish with the same rarity
E.g: 1-star vs 1-star and 2-star vs 2-star,..
Claim Fighting Reward
Total & Anytime
Go to to start farming FISH
Click on "Enable" to approve to spend your FISH-BNB or FISH-BUSD LP tokens for farming.
Go to to Add Liquidity Pair
After successfully supplying liquidity, you'll receive a certain amount of LP tokens.
Click "Stake LP" on MetaFish Farming Interface and input the amount of LP you want, then "Confirm".
You may Harvest $FISH anytime you want
Click "Unstake LP" on MetaFish Farming Interface and input the amount of LP you want to unstake, then "Confirm".
Go to to Remove Liquidity Pair
You may see the LP Tokens you added, choose "BNB/FISH" or "BUSD/FISH" to remove
Finally, input the amount of LP tokens you want to remove, click "Approve" then "Remove"
When you no longer see your fish on the arena, the battle has concluded. By clicking on the button , you may view your challenge history. The history board shows the newest to the oldest challenges.
You've just lost in this fight